Redis Caching Layer for Cloudflare KV in Golang

Dinesh Sonachalam
FAUN — Developer Community 🐾
4 min readAug 18, 2021


Why redis-cloudflare-kv?

  • Cloudflare KV is a highly distributed, eventually consistent, key-value store that spans Cloudflare’s global edge. It allows you to store billions of key-value pairs and read them with some average latency (2 to 3 seconds) anywhere in the world.
  • Cloudflare KV Read operation is very slow when compared to Redis which offers memory efficiency, fast operating speed, and high availability. So it’s better to use Redis as a caching layer for Cloudflare KV to provide fast, economic scaling for your application.
  • redis-cloudflare-kv checks if there is a cached result for a query in Redis.
  • If not found in the cache, it will retrieve data from Cloudflare KV and on the successful result, cache it in Redis for future queries.

Latency Comparison between Cloudflare KV vs Redis

We’re calculating latency for Read operation between Cloudflare KV vs Redis. Here Redis Read operation is 6.8X (124.216708ms) times faster than Cloudflare KV (1604.654375s).

package mainimport (
rediscloudflarekv ""
var kvClient = rediscloudflarekv.New(
func measureTime(funcName string) func() {
start := time.Now()
return func() {
fmt.Printf("Time taken by %s function is %v \n", funcName, time.Since(start))
func RedisRead(key string) {
defer measureTime("RedisRead")()
value, err := kvClient.RedisRead(key)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%v : %v \n", key, string(value))
func CloudflareKVRead(key string, namespaceID string) {
defer measureTime("CloudflareKVRead")()
value, err := kvClient.CloudflareKVRead(key, namespaceID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%v : %v \n", key, string(value))
func main() {
key := "opensource.facebook.react-native"
namespaceID := os.Getenv("TEST_NAMESPACE_ID")
CloudflareKVRead(key, namespaceID)
// dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % go run latency_check.go
// opensource.facebook.react-native : A framework for building native apps with React.
// Time taken by RedisRead function is 124.216708ms
// ==============================================================
// opensource.facebook.react-native : A framework for building native apps with React.
// Time taken by CloudflareKVRead function is 1.604654375s
// ==============================================================
// dineshsonachalam@macbook examples %

Application Architecture


You need a working Go environment.

go get


package mainimport (
rediscloudflarekv ""
func main() {
// Construct a new KV Client object
kvClient := rediscloudflarekv.New(
// REDIS_URL -> TCP Connection (Without SSL): redis://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<db_number>
// TCP Connection (With SSL): rediss://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<db_number>
// UNIX Connection: unix://<user>:<password>@</path/to/redis.sock>?db=<db_number>
namespaceID := os.Getenv("TEST_NAMESPACE_ID")
key1 := "opensource.facebook.react"
value1 := "A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces."
key2 := "opensource.facebook.react-native"
value2 := "A framework for building native apps with React."
key3 := "opensource.facebook.flow"
value3 := "Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality."
key4 := "opensource.facebook.docusaurus"
value4 := "Easy to maintain open source documentation websites."
// Write writes a value identified by a key in Redis and Cloudflare KV
status, err := kvClient.Write(key1, []byte(value1), namespaceID)
if !status && err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Write operation is successful for key: %v\n", key1)
// Read returns the value associated with the given key
// If the key is not available in the Redis server,
// it searches for the key in Cloudflare KV and if the key is available, it writes the key/value in the Redis.
// Then it returns the value associated with the given key.
value, err := kvClient.Read(key1, namespaceID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Read operation is successful. Key: %v, Value: %v\n", key1, string(value))
// Delete deletes a key/value in Redis and Cloudflare KV
status, err = kvClient.Delete(key1, namespaceID)
if !status && err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Delete operation is successful for key: %v\n", key1)
kvClient.Write(key2, []byte(value2), namespaceID)
kvClient.Write(key3, []byte(value3), namespaceID)
kvClient.Write(key4, []byte(value4), namespaceID)
// ListKeysByPrefix returns keys that matches the prefix
// If there are no key's that matches the prefix in the Redis
// We search for the prefix pattern in Cloudflare KV, if there are keys
// that matches the prefix, we return the keys.
keys, err := kvClient.ListKeysByPrefix("opensource.facebook", namespaceID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ListKeysByPrefix operation is successful. Keys: %v\n", keys)
// Output:
// dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % go run main.go
// Write operation is successful for key: opensource.facebook.react
// Read operation is successful. Key: opensource.facebook.react, Value: A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
// Delete operation is successful for key: opensource.facebook.react
// ListKeysByPrefix operation is successful. Keys: [opensource.facebook.docusaurus opensource.facebook.react-native opensource.facebook.flow]


MIT © dineshsonachalam

